What is ABIType

Library of strict TypeScript types applicable to ABIs & EIP712 typed data.

What is ABIType?

A wagmi-sponsored project, written by awkweb.eth, and packed with type definitions and utils for ABI values and properties. Also supports EIP712 typed data. Developers can add coding efficiencies such as type checking and autocomplete for variables and functions. Custom types can also be added to library instances. Used by 100s of developers.

ABIType Alternatives:

ConsenSys ABI Decoder
ConsenSys ABI Decoder

Decodes events and data params from Ethereum transactions.

ABI Parser
ABI Parser

Parses smart contracts and generates table definitions and queries for ETL.

ETH Calldata Decoder
ETH Calldata Decoder

UI to easily decode Ethereum calldata with contract address, custom ABI or no ABI.


Ethereum ABI tools for Python, in particular, encoding and decoding.

Money Legos
Money Legos

DeFi protocol analyzer for Ethereum ABIs, addresses, and Solidity interfaces.

Rust Ethereum ABI
Rust Ethereum ABI

Analyze ABI to encode and decode smart contract functions and outputs.