
What is Solbase

A base for smart contract development that is modern and gas optimized.

What is Solbase?

Solbase is a SolDAO project dedicated to improving Solidity smart contracts by providing building blocks for deployment on an open-source model. Solbase contributors can further optimize smart contract snippets, or use the base to fork into their own. The project has +100 stars and contributors and usually shows up-to-date snippets.

Solbase Alternatives:

Boring Solidity
Boring Solidity

A collection of general-purpose solidity contracts and libraries.

CantBeEvil License
CantBeEvil License

An A16z managed CantBeEvil License reference point for smart contracts.


A search engine for EVM smart contracts and open source.

Gnosis V2
Gnosis V2

An archive of Gnosis smart contracts for developers to review.

Hello World
Hello World

An Alchemy beginner smart contract for the "Hello World" example.


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