Sol Faucet

What is Sol Faucet

The Solana Faucet instantly airdrops Testnet and Devnet SOL tokens to users for free.

What is Sol Faucet?

Created by Ryan Endacott, the Solana Faucet is a simple tool that allows Solana developers to instantly receive SOL tokens on both the Solana Testnet and Devnet. With the click of a button, users can airdrop themselves an infinite amount of Testnet SOL tokens for free. These Testnet tokens can be used to interact with dApps on the Solana Testnet, or test smart contracts written for the Solana ecosystem without risking the potential loss of any real value.

Sol Faucet Alternatives:

Stakely Multicoin Faucet
Stakely Multicoin Faucet

Stakely provides non-custodial staking nodes, enabling you to earn rewards on crypto holdings.