Yield Yak

What is Yield Yak

Yield Yak provides auto-compounding yield farms, (DEX) aggregator, and liquid staking tools.

What is Yield Yak?

Yield Yak auto-compounds farming rewards to help you earn more from your deposited assets. Some of the most popular auto-compounding pools include USDC and USDT stablecoin pools, native Avalanche tokens, and boosted farms on Trader Joe. Yield Yak also provides a decentralized exchange (DEX) aggregator called Yak Swap, a liquid staking tool, and Yak Pools.

Yield Yak Alternatives:

Earn Network
Earn Network

Earn Network is a liquid marketplace for yield-earning opportunities.


Farms-as-a-Service provider offering off-the-shelf farms that can be live within minutes.