The best Decentralized Options

First Gamified NFT Options DEX allowing users to speculate long or short on Blue Chip NFT collections.

Decentralized options strategies made easy

Protect the value of your crypto using a radically innovative DeFi protocol.

Cega is DeFi's first exotic options protocol offering safer and more transparent yield strategies.

Dopex is a maximum liquidity and minimal exposure options protocol.

Incentive Liquidity Infrastructure for Web3 Communities.

Friktion is a cryptocurrency portfolio management platform designed to perform across market cycles.

Foxify is a perpetuals and P2P options trading platform.

Hegic is an on-chain peer-to-pool options trading protocol on Arbitrum.

Jones DAO is a yield, strategy, and liquidity protocol for options.

Lyra, a decentralized protocol, helps users buy and sell options crypto.

Opium, a universal protocol, allows for creating, settling, and trading decentralized derivatives.

Decentralised options and social trading

Optix is an altcoin option protocol - trade options on any crypto asset.

Opyn is a DeFi options trading protocol, allows for buying, selling, and creating options on ERC20s.

Panoptic is the perpetual, oracle-free, instant settlement options trading protocol on Ethereum.

Polynomial Protocol is a decentralized options liquidity aggregation **protocol**.

Polysynth Protocol is a DeFi Options Vault (DOV) protocol powered by Ethereum and Polygon.

PsyOptions is a decentralized ecosystem of multiple finance products.

Decentralized option markets on Ethereum, Arbitrum & Polygon.

Thetanuts, a DeFi protocol, helps users gain sustainable yield through various options strategies.

Vaultka is the catalyst of perpetual exchanges, providing 1-click strategies for your LP tokens.

Zeta is a unique Defi Futures and options Derivatives exchange on the Solana Blockchain.