
What is Blockaid

Protect users against fraud, scams, phishing, and hacks.

What is Blockaid?

Blockaid’s leading security tools stop malicious transactions before they happen, protecting web3 users from scams, phishing, and hacks. Blockaid is the only web3 security solution with proactive internet-wide dApp scanning. Everyday, Blockaid scans over 15M sites, detecting over 500 new malicious dApps, and instantly protecting users. When a new threat is detected by a user on any Blockaid-enabled wallet or dApp, every other Blockaid-enabled user is instantly protected. Blockaid’s simulations are also 100x faster than the status quo, so you learn whether a given transaction or dApp is malicious in the blink of an eye.

Blockaid Alternatives:

Aegis AI dApp
Aegis AI dApp

Pioneering Blockchain Security with AI-Enabled Audit Solutions.


AnChain.AI is a Web3 risk management firm specializing in AI-powered products.


Ancilia offers products to prevent hacks and save Web3 businesses from associated losses.


Crypto scam blocker that intercepts, analyses and prevents malicious transactions.

Borg Security
Borg Security

Borg Security is a Web3 zeroday research firm, specializing in cross Web3/Web2 infrastructures.


BDD / TDD assertion library compatible with javascript testing frameworks.