NFT Marketplace

What is NFT Marketplace

The base repo for the How to Build an NFT Marketplace Alchemy project.

What is NFT Marketplace?

Alchemy-hosted repository for the 7th week of the Road To Web3 learning initiative containing starter files to build on top of. Developers got a feel for creating environments for DApps, using IPFS for storage, and writing Solidity smart contracts to list NFTs. Metamask was used for Auth and purchase.

NFT Marketplace Alternatives:


Liteflow helps businesses launch their NFT Marketplace or NFT-related products.

NFT Analyst Starter Pack
NFT Analyst Starter Pack

A free repository that produces CSV files containing NFT collection data.

NFT Explorer
NFT Explorer

The Alchemy NFT API demo project walkthrough repository with files.

NFT Gallery Template
NFT Gallery Template

An Alchemy-hosted Next.js + Tailwind CSS example for building an NFT gallery

NFT Minter
NFT Minter

Files and a tutorial for creating an NFT minting DApp on Ethereum.


The Quay backend API enables marketplaces to be built using trusted Seaport contracts.