The best Gas Tools
Tool suite that allows developers to work with pre-chain data in real time.
Get free gas fee quotations for Ethereum and Polygon chains, with EIP-1559 support.
A suite of DeFi tools including impermanent loss calculators and staking and farming strategies.
A test tool: Mocha reporter with gas usage per unit test and average gas usage per method call.
Displays how much you have spent on gas with conversion to USD as well as the tokens used.
GasHawk enables free, automated, and non-custodial savings of up to 95% on ETH transaction fees.
Gasless transactions between clients and Ethereum smart contracts.
Gas efficient call data routers for 3 L2 networks, Aave, Connext, and Superfluid.
SmolRefuel is the top solution for refueling, enabling anonymous and gas-free wallet refills.
Tenderly's Gas Profiler makes it easy to examine how much gas a function spends for a transaction.