The best Smart Contract Tools

Find, deploy, and manage reviewed smart contracts easily with Bunzz.

OpenZeppelin (Solidity) contract patterns written and optimized in the Huff assembly language.

A Solidity library to handle complex fixed-point math with signed and unsigned variables.

An in browser transaction calldata decoder built by dEth, as a part of their dEth Tool suite.

A building tool for Starknet Cairo developers with GUI and Codesandbox.

codeslaw facilitates faster Ethereum development by allowing developers to search for smart contracts.

Part of a handy set of tools for all Ethereum (EVM) Developers made by Deth Tools.

ContractReader is the best place to read and understand smart contracts.

CLI for creating Solidity DApps with hevm and not RPC for smart contract transactions.
The Dedaub Security Suite provides comprehensive blockchain project security.

A system for interval-controlled automated transactions.
A curated source of tools for DApp development with Javascript, Vue, and React.

ETH SDK is used to generate type-safe, lightweight SDK's for Ethereum smart contracts.

View the source of deployed Ethereum contracts in a VS Code browser instance.

Open source code for the Ethereum transaction viewer's frontend. <>

An event decoder, constructor encoder, transaction calculator toolset.

Foundry's official Command Line Interface for EVM interaction through command calls.

Use Foundry to build EVM smart contracts using the Rust programming language.

A Foundry-stack template and testing tools for developing Solidity smart contracts.
A local Ethereum Virtual Machine simulator for the development and testing of smart contracts.

Hardhat-based quickstart for developing Solidity smart contracts.

A growing collection of modern extensible Huff language smart contracts.

Chainlink hosted repository with Huff smart contract templates for free.

Detects metamorphic/mutable/editable Ethereum smart contracts.

A set of plugins for Hardhat and Truffle to deploy and manage upgradeable contracts on Ethereum.